thank you.

 Hello there! 

If you're reading this, it means you actually used to follow this blog to which I should probably apologize for completely ghosting this blog for the last two years. 

To be completely honest, I was getting really busy with school and I didn't love the format of this blog I had created back when I was like 13 so I decided to leave it and create a completely new one in 2022 as an attempt to revamp and dive back into the book blogging world! 

My new book blog is called Booked with Boba and I go by Saoirse there. I still do rants about books and even k-dramas sometimes if I'm in the mood for it so feel free to check that out if you're interested! I do try to be more active by posting at least once a month if I'm able to but I am a permanently exhausted chicken who is unfortunately in her junior year of high school. 

As a final note to whoever's reading this and a final goodbye to my 13 year old self, I wanted to say thank you for reading. This bored and book obsessed potato had a lot to say and fortunately still does although in a new and more aesthetic location. 

And that's a wrap! Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll see you on my new blog. 
@bookedwbobaa on Instagram and Twitter 

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